The truth about Acne.
Free Beauty and Skincare Tips! Adults and most parents assume that teenage breakouts are just an inevitable fact of life - and that,...
Reverse the signs of aging naturally!
Free Beauty and Skincare Tips! Laser Beam - are they for wrinkles too? Smile lines, worry lines, bunny lines – they are your badge of...
How to erase wrinkles?
Free Beauty and Skincare Tips! We are living longer than ever. We are active, we feel young therefore we want our bodies to mirror...
Nose Job in 15 minutes! No-knife, No-pain.
Free Beauty and Skincare Tips! Instant Nonsurgical Nose Job: "Pick One" For those who want a nose-job, but are fearful or apprehensive to...
Press Release Archive - June 2013
SouthMain Rejuvenation Institute Inaugural event and Grand Open House: A Resounding Success SAN JOSE, CA – June 17, 2013. The...
Why your skin may look older than others?
Free Beauty and Skincare Tips! Yes, we all get older! But our skin does not have to give away our age. There are many factors impacting...
Press Release Archive - Dec. 2008
SouthMain Rejuvenation Institute Key People Attend Special Events BEVERLY HILLS, CA - “Part of our marketing strategy is to be visible in...